Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 84 : Breath

                The stability as breath, the stability as being here with breath, breath by itself is stability and being with breath as breath is being aware.

                Many years, I took for granted my so called life, I took for granted my body, my breath, I took for granted everything in my life, and I thought, that the way I am is ok, it never was.

                The way I live was never ok, I was just not aware about it, I was not aware that I missed myself almost all my life.

Here, it is the way back, the journey back to me, back to self, back to origin, as who I really am as life.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to take my breath for granted, instead of being with my breath each moment I breathe.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to take my body, my life, my living, the environment I live in, the air, the sun, the planet for granted and by this living as self interest, as ego, not seeing and realizing that I am part of everything which Is here and by this I took for granted myself, instead of being with me here, as breath.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to think and believe that I live my life, instead of see and realize that by missing my breath I never lived me nor my life but just the mind as system ingrained within my body.

Thanks, Juraj

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