Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 103 : Game of more and less – is this life?

                I realized, why I created likeness towards points within my life, and the dislikes, and this is the point of mind game as less than and more then.

                To this point is connected creation of desire to get that what I like, therefore to get what I perceived as more, and thus be satisfied once this is received because through getting that what I liked and perceived as more I became satisfied as through this created the sense of be more than who I really am.

                Thus trough desires and through the points I perceived as more than others, as comparison between people, actions, things, I wanted to be more, to create from myself more than who I really am, and thus I participated on moving myself and expressing myself according this points, where obvious mechanics and starting points is as always was inequality.

                Within this, I realized that I simply have to equalize myself with everything I do, speak and act, as within this I am able to see what I am really doing, why I am doing it, and therefore see if it serve me for something or not, and if not thus simply stop to participate on such movements, actions, expressions, as if I would thus I would be still directed of points of inequality within me.

                And the point is even not to stop to do some actions, but what is starting point for such actions, as if it is inequality thus it is always fuck up.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to live me as a system of inequality based on comparison between people, animals, words, actions, movements, behaviors and from this create the likeness or dislike and thus from likeness create the sense of something more, perceive that this something I like is more than that what I do not like, and therefore direct myself to the points I like and perceive myself as more than, instead of see and realize that within this I am participating on game of more than and less than and thus living and accepting inequality within and as me, instead of stop, breathe and see and realize what it is what I am doing, why I am doing it, and if this is best for all or just my self interest.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to think and believe that within the world, existence is something which is more and something which is less than, and by this accept and allow within me to live the inequality as me, instead of stop, see and realize that inequality is concept of the mind, where mind compares, judge and desire, and thus stop to participate on action and needs of the mind.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to give power to my mind through accepting believe and idea of inequality, of points that something is more and that something is less and thus let my mind to direct me to the point I perceived as more than.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to shape myself and mold myself according perceptions of more than and less then and thus create the positive energy towards the points I perceived as more than and negative energy towards the points of perception of less than, instead of see and realize that everything and anything within and as existence is equal.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to create the inequality within and as me through the pictures as relationships towards this pictures as likeness towards those one I perceived and judged as more than and dislike as inequality towards the pictures I judged and perceived as less than.

                I forgive to myself that I have not  accepted and allowed to myself to see and realize that inequality is foundation and core platform of the mind, where mind creates the relationships towards the points and by this relationships generate the energy to replenish and sustain itself and thus I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to define myself according relationships of the mind, instead of stand up and live as an example of equality , where everything I exist as and consist of is considered equally.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to forget that once I participate on the mind as system of inequality, that therefore I am accepting myself to be not equal with myself and by this accepting for whole existence the inequality, instead of stand up for myself and see and realize that I am equal to me, that I am here and that my body is perfect example of equality and oneness.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to do not see that my body constantly and continuously is showing me what real equality and oneness is, what is real and what is here.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to want to hide in front of myself to do not have to face the points I accepted and allowed to myself to participate on as system of inequality, because this means that I have to stand up and stop to participate on the games of the mind as games of more than and less than.

Thanks, Juraj

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