Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 114 : I know – thus I deluded myself

                 To know is self delusion of the mind, by the mind, as the mind. Mind thinks mind knows, it is not so. Mind do not know a shit, mind thinks mind knows.

                To know, is idea and believe. To think I know is self delusion. To know what will happen is self delusion as well, as every single moment uncountable of possibilities can happen.

                What will happen, simply I do not know. To grasp that I do not know and that I do not need to know, and that I do not have to know, is simplicity of life. But for mind, it is one of the hardest points to comprehend, as mind by itself can’t comprehend not knowing, because mind is based on information stored, received, interpreted and thus sorted and defined, in strict manners as function of program.

                To transcend and accept the point that I do not know, and that I do not know what will happen, is quite challenge. Because, it will happen what will happen, as entire outcome of each possibilities as acceptance of entire self-definitions of me through and as the mind, and here I am not able to see every single point I defined myself into and as, as to do so, mean transcend the mind in its own entirety as self created illusion of me.

                Thus to know, is the point of wanting to have control as outcome of situations which will come, because of specific fear, fear of unknown as fear of future outcomes.

                Physical, do not need to know anything, physical is. That which is, as real, do not need to bother itself with knowing, because of one simple question.

                Why that what is real, should question its own existence, if it already is?

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to think and believe that I know anything.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to think, believe and perceive that I have to know something about myself, and through this knowing define myself as who I am or what I should be.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to think and believe that knowing something give me security about myself.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to believe that I know what will happen to the future, instead of see and realize that the future is entire outcome of acceptance and allowances of mankind as a whole, as each single being here.

Thanks, Juraj

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