Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 74 : Relationships and lies – sorrow of lost illusion

                Years ago, I started to chat with a girl, about common stuff people live, but as she had a boyfriend I considered her just as a friend, but overtime of our writings, I created within me the likeness towards her, as she as a girl was perfect match of my likeness of girl from perspective of picture, body, face.

                The stuff we wrote to each other, was extensive, about 3000 e-mails, I became completely lost within my mind, the projections, ideas, believes I created within me, with her, life with her, was so extensive that I became just a living zombie and like completely detached from reality, just existing in my mind, in this perception of love towards her and in believes that her words was true.

                I was not aware that time that I lied to her with each word I said or wrote her, and also not aware that she did the same to me. The love we promises to each other, and desire to fulfill this love, never took place, as it was impossible, as she had boyfriend and everything she wrote about braking that relationship and be with me was simply a lie, but I didn’t wanted to see it, as the lies was that what I wanted to hear.

                After some period, the everything positive within me towards her turned into frustration, sorrow, disappointment, as the reality do not matched the words we changed with each other, and I wanted and desired that words and projection and ideas to be real, to became reality, but simply, lies can not turned into something which Is real, as lies will remain just lies.

                When I came to breaking point with her and stop that bullshit I allowed to live and speak, I realized that time that everything I said to her was just a lie. My self delusion towards her, simply, I lived completely and entirely lost in love construct towards her and as this was my direction thus obviously the energy experiences within me was so extensive, that when I kissed her just once I was like drunken, and that time I was surprised, how come that I experience this, and questions start to emerge but as I was lost in mind I ignored them.

                The breaking point of stopping that relationship was because of me not able to continue such way, in such friction within me between experience of energy as love, ideas, believes, desires, sex, and the frustration, disappointment and sorrow when I saw that the world within my mind and without simply do not match in anyway what so ever. Just in few moments when yes, but it was just fragments.

                When this breaking point came, I experienced within me extensive sorrow, extensive disappointment, from her and from me, that I allowed to me to deceive me such way, to believe and to present such extensive amount of lies, and the face that I lost my illusion of the life with her, and the sorrow of losing my illusion was quite huge.

                It is interesting, that I experienced sorrow because of lost lies and lost illusions, as that was what I believed, thus it was like losing me, as I became the living lie of me, thus losing the lies of me and seeing what I accepted and allowed towards me was not nice picture, and within this, I was simply pushed to stop the illusion within my mind about me and her, and thus became again living in and as reality as what is here, as where is my body and where I really am.

                It took long period of time to recover from that illusion, as the intensity of believing of such illusions was really huge.

                I lived a lie towards girls, and what I wanted to hear was a lies, and what I became was living lie. And thus the lies of me and my self delusions was my direction.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to want and desire to hear lies spoken by girls and focus only on those words which validate this desire and need and want to hear lies and ignore actually reality as physical and what is really going on here.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to desire to hear the words as “ I love you” and “ I like you “ or “ I want to be with you” as I created and connected the idea and believe within me that those words are reflecting love of other being towards me, instead of see and realize that it was my self deception and abuse of other to manipulate them to speak those words.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to speak words as I love you, I like you, I want to be with you as manipulation and deception in front of me and in front of other to manipulated them to speak exactly those word to me back as I created and connected within me the idea and believe that if those words I speak and hear thus it have to be validation of my love towards other being and validation of love towards me, not seeing and realizing that it was just my self deception based on energy feelings accepted and created within me, not seeing and realizing that it had nothing to do with real love which is equality, where all parts of self are considered equally, as physical, as life as breath here.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to want to be manipulated with the words of likeness towards me as I accepted and allowed to manipulate others with words as I like you, I want to be with you, you are such a nice person, I feel fine in presence of you, instead of seeing and realizing that all of this was my self deception created, accepted and allowed based on ideas, believes and projection what love should be, what love can be, and what likeness can be, instead of seeing and realizing that it was deception of me, the manipulation of myself in separation from myself, and that it was me deceiving me into accepting and living the illusion of the mind as idea and projection what love can possibly be as I perceived the love as energetic feeling within me as likeness created towards other human being as a girl and thus judge the feeling of love as positive and exist within and as mind judgment of word love as positive, in judgment of energetic feeling of love as positive, in perception of this feeling as positive and thus desire, want and require to experience such energetic feeling, as this allowed me to cover all my fears, anxieties, sorrows I accepted and allowed towards me as self as life, cover all deception of me, to cover all abuse I accepted and allowed towards me, and not seeing and realizing for myself that I abused life as me, that I raped life as me, that I dishonored life as me, that I used my body as a tool for getting the energy I wanted for myself, that I diminished the physical as what is real here to such extent, that I put value into a illusion of the mind and created the idea and believe that those illusions and energy experiences are real and think and believe that are real and thus that I want them and need them and want to follow them, instead of seeing and realizing that I accepted and allowed to myself to abuse physical as my body because I separated from physical as my body, that I dishonored my body just for the sake of getting the energy I wanted for myself as energy addict as zombie living in fear of myself in separation from myself, not seeing and realizing for myself that I raped the physical each possible way just for getting the energy for myself and that I destroyed the physical each way possible just for the sake of wanting and desiring to make the illusion of the mind as thoughts, and energy experiences real, as I thought and believed that it is real and therefore I accepted and allowed to think and believe myself that I can do this with the physical, that it is my right to abuse physical such way, that it is me having power over the physical as my body, not seeing and realizing that in fact, I was abusing me, raping me, killing me, destroying me, fighting with me, trying to overpower me as physical with just illusions of the mind as thoughts, ideas and believes in perception that it is my choice, my will, that it is me who decide, not seeing and realizing that it was the mind, as programmed system within and as me, infused and integrated with my flesh, my physical body, where I accepted and allowed to be directed with illusion of the mind, and everything done just for this energy illusions and experiences within me I believed are real experiences of me.

                I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to rape myself, to abuse myself, to destroy, kill and use myself as my body as a tool as a puppet in believes that I can do so, that it is my right to do so, and that I can do so, and took for granted my body and thus take for granted everything which physical exist as and consist of, in thinking and believing that it is my right to do so, that because I am in my body in the mind that I can accepted and allow to abuse and rape the physical, not seeing and realizing the consequences of my acceptances, not seeing and realizing that I tried to made from illusion more than actual flesh, as my body, as physical as I separated myself from my body and thus turned into a illusions and deception of me, about me, as who I can possible be, instead of seeing and realizing that I am here as my body, that I am here as my breath, that I am here as everything which my body exist as and consist of in equality and oneness as who I really am as life.

Thanks, Juraj

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