Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 60 : I am good because I walk my process.

                This thought came up, and as I see this thought, it came because of wanting to be a better, wanting to be good, right, to show myself in better “light”, to look good in front of others, because, the walking process, apparently makes me a good persona.

                It is bullshit.

                I am not good nor bad, I just became what I allowed to live in my past, thus to be good is impossible. Anyway, till the day’s inequality will exist, nothing good can exist.

I forgive to myself that I have allowed and accepted to myself to think the thought that I am good because I walk my process, instead of seeing and realizing that nothing like good exist, that walking my process do not makes from me good persona, that walking my process is about living in self honesty, respecting life, and not making myself to feel better or good, thus I forgive to myself that I have allowed and accepted to myself to think the thought of being good as a attempt to feel better about myself and not to have face myself and not to have look on my own dishonesty, as I know all of them and thus I attempted to feel about myself better, to feel like to be a good, not seeing and realizing that within this I am accepting living in polarity of the mind as good/bad and thus allowing and accepting the existence of judgment as good/bad and thus allowing within me to exist a point for blaming as a friction between good and bad when I attempted to feel about myself to be a good because I walk my process, instead of seeing and realizing that walking my process is about living me in self honesty, changing me and living as a example for others to show that change is possible.

Thanks, Juraj

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