Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 79 : Suppression of myself

                I pressured on me to do not expressed me within moments here because of accepted way of living by society and definition and ideas what this living is and thus fit into society. I pressured on me to do not express me because of existence in the mind, accepted living in the mind and not here.

                It was me who pressured on me to do not allow me to live here, because of inferiority I accepted to live towards my mind, through various believes about me or life, or people, how things works, many other points.

                But why? What I feared?  I feared to live me? I feared to accept me as life and accept me as expression of life as breath here? I pressed on me to do not express me because I am adult and thus adults behave certain way and thus adults can’t express specific points? What is this definition to be adult and why I allowed living according ideas and believing what it means to be adult? Is this therefore life or living when I just copied from grownups how they behave, how they speech and how they exist?

                Thus I submit myself into a order of the mind as a copy of that what I saw in my environment, in meaning, how people behave around me and thus I accepted to myself to be brainwashed by my own observations of that what I saw, as all I took into consideration was pictures, thoughts and emotions/feelings of other when I was in process of growing up, I never realized that times that behind this pictures is vast amount of fuck up of those I observed.

                Interestingly, thus I allowed to suppress me because of observed fucked way of living of others and their words and their believes, and I forgot to take into consideration me, to see me within those moments, I do not allowed to myself to express me as I was in process of coping fuck ups into myself and thus define myself according that, I allowed to take the shit of others into me and thus created and define myself accordingly.

                Anyway, it is completely irrelevant what others accept, what are they believes, what they fear and why, because I do not take shit of others anymore.

                I accept only equality and oneness, that’s the point which is relevant for me, as within this principle everything is considered, everything is took into attention, but not the shits, not the deception, not the lies as why should be? No reason exists for lies, for deception, for abuse, for manipulation, for the way of living people accepted to live, as it is just submission into a mind where mind is the dictator and human beings just the slaves of this dictatorship, and thus questions is, where is freedom?

                Where is the real freedom of humanity, of human beings, if they are not even able to see how they are controlled by the mind? Where is the free will, if the humanity is not able to see that the prison people lives are they submission of the mind? Where is this free will? Dosed this free will even exists within people? How this could exist, if people can’t see how much they brainwashed are just because of their own fears?

                Freedom does not exist and free will neither, until all systems die, free will as free life as expression can’t exist.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to suppress myself within and as my mind, through acceptances and allowances of living in and as submission of the mind as a programmed behavioral patterns I observed through my eyes in my environment and thus think and believe that those patterns I observed is that what I should live and express, instead of see and realize that I within this I didn’t expressed myself as who I am here as breath but just copied patterns of others.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to copy into my the patterns of speech, behavior, the way of movements and the way of expression from my father and from my mother, from my friends and from teachers, from adults as looking upon them as those who know more and lived more, instead of see and realize that everything I observed was programmed and served just for the purpose of programming myself into and as mind system as automated robot who just repeat patterns of movements, speech, expression and thus not living myself as expression of breath here, but just limited designed system by me of copy and duplicated expressions.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to forgot what I my real expression here as breath as life because of my accepted and allowed suppression of myself because of observed pattern around me within those grownups I was looking upon as I believed they know more and thus I should follow what they lived and what they expressed, not seeing and realize that by this I became just repeating program of myself, where I just wait suppressed within my body and gave power to my mind to initiate the patterns and programs as behaviors, speech, movements of myself, not  seeing and realizing that those patterns are ignited by thoughts of the mind and reactions as energy movements of the mind, and I am not the mind, I am here  as my physical body, as breath.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to pushed on myself and thus suppressed myself because of copied, observed behavior around me and thus think and believe that should move, speech, express myself accordingly, and thus create the ideas and believes about myself and thus limit myself and my self expression just into and as mind ideas, believes, projections of my as what, who I should be within moments I am here, instead of express myself as breath as my physical body here.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to forgot to see me and express me within situations and moments I am facing and submit myself into and as patterns of copied movements, behaviors, ideas and believes about me, instead of express myself here as the breath.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to fear to express myself here, as accepted and allowed suppression of me through ideas and believe about myself, about life, and what living should be, as copied behavior, movements and the way I move according those I observed within the reality.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to fear to push through my own resistance of expressing myself here, and rather remain suppressed within and as my mind, as a protection mechanism of myself in believe that once I am suppressed and hidden thus I can’t be harmed.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to fear to stand up within and as me and express myself as who I am here as breath, but rather remain enslaved in and as ideas and believe of the mind about me, about the movements, behaviors and speech of me, as how I should behave to do not create the friction, conflict because of fear of friction and fear of conflict, instead of see and realize that fear is just my own idea and believe about protection of myself, as everything I wanted thus protect myself, instead of stand up as me, as breath here and live me as equal to me, and equal to others.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to suppress myself because of idea and believe and fear that I can be harmed or punished and because of fear of conflict, instead of stand up each moment I am here, and face that what I need to face to bring equality and oneness into and as this world, as reflection of me as who I am as life, as what is possible as living example of breath and life.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to suppress myself because of perception of authority and that I am less than, instead of see and realize that I am never less and never more, I am as who I am as equal and one to myself as all.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to suppress myself because of ideas and believe that within the existence are those who are more and those who are less, instead of see and realize that it was just my own fuck up accepted as idea by me as mind, and thus lived accordingly, instead of stand up and express myself as breath as equal to me, equal to my body, and equal to those I am facing within and as my world.

I forgive to myself that I have accepted and allowed to myself to suppress myself as a point of waiting on something which could possibly allow me to give permission to express me, instead of stand up within and as me as breath, see and realize that it is me who is giving permission to me to express, to live, to be here, and not defined and suppressed within and as my mind, thus I am giving permission to me to express me in self honesty and live me no matter what.

Thanks, Juraj

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